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1. About this document

This document sets out our privacy policy in respect of customer personal data, which will govern the way in which we process any personal data that you provide us with. It serves as an expression of our commitment to protecting your private personal information, but is not a contract. Please see Section 18 below for the rights which the law provides you with in relation to your personal data.

2. Your consent

By using our websites, providing any personal data to us, or booking any travel services with us, that you confirm that you agree to and consent to the terms of this document, to the extent that your consent is required by any applicable law.

3. Copyright notice

This document, and all content of our websites is Copyright© 2020 Inka Expediciones. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

4. About us

This is the privacy policy of Inka Expediciones (referred to as “we”, “us” or “our”). We are incorporated under the laws of Argentina Republic. (EVyT Leg. 11193)

5. Contacting us

If you have any questions about our privacy policy or about how we process your personal data, including any complaints, please contact us either by e-mail, telephone, or by post to the information provided on this site.

6. Our commitment

We respect your right to privacy and we aim to ensure you have a trustworthy experience with us, including when using our websites or shops and booking with or through us. We understand that you care about how your personal data is used by us, and we want to share with you the policies and practices we’ve adopted. This way you can feel confident about how we handle your personal data that you entrust to us.

7. Who our privacy policy covers

7.1 Our customers

Our privacy policy sets out how we process personal data (including information) relating to individuals who are booking or enquiring about booking travel services with or through us or who are the recipients of any travel services booked with or through us (e.g. you are the passenger for a booking or booking enquiry made by someone else for you), or who are customers or potential customers or recipients of travel services that can be booked with or through us.

7.2 Examples of who this policy covers

We include in this privacy policy personal data we process relating to: (1) individuals who are making any enquiry or booking with us or through us, and individuals in respect of whom any enquiry or booking is made (such as friends, family members, and tour group members, and officers and employees of businesses and organisations booking with or through us); (2) individuals in respect of whom any enquiry or booking is made with us by an agent; (3) where our customer is a business or organisation, employees or individuals who are acting as representatives of that business or other organisation, and individuals connected to that business or other organisation, such as owners, partners, shareholders, and directors; and (4) individuals whose personal data from other companies in our group (such as where you have consented to your personal data being disclosed to other group companies for marketing purposes).

7.3 When we are data processor only

Please however note that this privacy policy does not apply where we are processing personal data strictly as a sub-contractor or data processor on behalf of a third party, and not on our own account. In this case, you should look to that third party and its privacy policy, who will be answerable for how we process that personal data.

7.4 Terms used in this policy

When we refer to “you” and “your” in this privacy policy, we refer to you, any such individual whose personal data we process from time to time. When we refer to “processing” of your personal data, this includes obtaining, recording, storing or holding your personal data, and anything we do with it, such as organizing, adapting or altering it, retrieving, consulting or using it, disclosing it or otherwise making it available to others, combining it with other data, and blocking, erasing or destroying it. When we refer to “travel services” this covers all products and services which may be booked with or through us, such as bespoke holidays, package holidays, accommodation, tours, transport and transfers (whether by air, coach, bus, train, ferry, taxi or other means), car hire, cruises, and charters, and it includes both (1) all such products and services which we supply or operate ourselves (including where we sub-contract); and (2) any such products and services provide by a third party which we book for you (acting as agent for you or that third party). Travel services also includes any services we or a third party provide in association with travel, such as obtaining visas, foreign exchange, and providing local representatives and support.

8. What laws we comply with

We process your personal data in accordance with the following data protection law(s): The Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003 (which covers, among other things, the use of telephone numbers, fax numbers and e-mail addresses for unsolicited direct marketing).

9. What types of personal data we process

This section summarizes the types of personal data about you that we process:-

9.1 Data concerning you as an individual

This includes name, age, photograph, gender, address, telephone, mobile, fax, e-mail, social networking contact details, proofs of identity and address, copies of passports, driving licences, and utility bills, card and other payment details, and financial information, health information relevant to your planned travel, and travel insurances held, results of searches carried out against you (such as to verify you identity, address, and credit status), your preferences, frequent flyer or travel partner program affiliation and member number, and any other information provided to us by or in relation to you which concern you as an individual.

9.2 Business Related Information

If you are an individual associated with a business or other organisation that is our customer, then your personal data may include the following information that we link to you: business or organisation details (such as name, address, telephone numbers, payment arrangements, financial information, etc.), your relationship with that business or organisation (such as owner, partner, director, shareholder, employee, or agent), and your contact details within that business (such as work address, work telephone and mobile numbers, work fax number, and work e-mail address).

9.3 Enquiry and Booking information

Information concerning enquiries and bookings made with or through us for travel services, including where you are making the enquiry or booking or are the recipient of the travel services to which the enquiry or booking relates. This information may include: records of enquiries and searches for holiday and travel products made by or on your behalf, details of your personal interests, needs and other data relevant to your enquiry; details of results, quotes, proposals, estimates and other information given in response to enquiries; details of the holiday, accommodation, travel, car hire, and other travel services booked or enquired about; details of the passengers / holidaymakers travelling; details of the provider of the travel services (e.g. tour operator); dates and times of travel; price; payment details (including card details); passport information and visa information; foreign exchange requirements and arrangements; and sensitive information such as health, medical, dietary, mobility, disability, religious or other special conditions or requirements.

9.4 Performance information

Information generated concerning the performance of any booking or other contract made with or through us, including information relating to anything arising during any holiday or other travel services, and information relating to payments to be made.

9.5 Survey Information

Information collected or generated out of any surveys we conduct.

9.6 Competition Information

Information collected or generated out of any competitions or promotions we run.

9.7 Account, Registration and Loyalty Information

Information concerning any accounts, registrations, or memberships with us, or participation in any loyalty program.

9.8 Correspondence

Correspondence, communications and messages, including between you and us, and between us and third parties, including relating to any booking or booking enquiry, or performance of any contract.

9.9 Website Usage Information

We may collect information about your visits to, browsing of, and use of our website, unless your web browser blocks this. The range of data we collect will depend on how you interact with our website. This information may include: your IP address (a unique identifier allocated to your computer for your connection to the internet); your computer device details (PC, tablet, smartphone, watch etc.); the make and version of web browser (e.g. Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome) you are using; your operating system (e.g. Windows, Windows Phone, OSX, iOS, Android, Linux etc); your time-zone; your browser plug-ins; any web-page you came from, identified as the referrer web page address by your web browser; cookies; page response times; download error; pages and parts of pages you visit; usage you make of our website, including enquiries and searches undertaken, and registrations for accounts, forums etc.; services and products you viewed; length of visit to website and pages; page interaction information (such as scrolling, keys pressed, mouse clicks, touches, and mouse-overs). This will normally be collected and used anonymously, and aggregated for analysis, with your name and any characteristics identifying you remaining anonymous, but our privacy policy will apply, and it will be treated as your personal data, if this information is in any way linked to you personally This information may also include: data inputted into forms and field; registrations for any accounts, forum, feedback mechanism, social functionality, newsletters or other features of our site; usernames and passwords, log-in / out history, and settings; actions taken within any account or other registration, including view and update and changes to settings; and posts to any forum, feedback, review or other social functionality on our website.

We may collect information about your visits to, browsing of, and use of our website, unless your web browser blocks this. The range of data we collect will depend on how you interact with our website. This information may include: your IP address (a unique identifier allocated to your computer for your connection to the internet); your computer device details (PC, tablet, smartphone, watch etc.); the make and version of web browser (e.g. Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome) you are using; your operating system (e.g. Windows, Windows Phone, OSX, iOS, Android, Linux etc); your time-zone; your browser plug-ins; any web-page you came from, identified as the referrer web page address by your web browser; cookies; page response times; download error; pages and parts of pages you visit; usage you make of our website, including enquiries and searches undertaken, and registrations for accounts, forums etc.; services and products you viewed; length of visit to website and pages; page interaction information (such as scrolling, keys pressed, mouse clicks, touches, and mouse-overs). This will normally be collected and used anonymously, and aggregated for analysis, with your name and any characteristics identifying you remaining anonymous, but our privacy policy will apply, and it will be treated as your personal data, if this information is in any way linked to you personally This information may also include: data inputted into forms and field; registrations for any accounts, forum, feedback mechanism, social functionality, newsletters or other features of our site; usernames and passwords, log-in / out history, and settings; actions taken within any account or other registration, including view and update and changes to settings; and posts to any forum, feedback, review or other social functionality on our website.

10. How we collect or generate your personal data

This section sets out the ways in which we may collect or generate personal data concerning you.

10.1 Visiting our website

By visiting and using our website you or your computer may provide personal data. This includes: information which is automatically provided by your browser to our servers; information record on our web servers about your interaction with our website and pages viewed; information we capture or place on your computer or generate using cookies or other technologies on our website; and information you input into forms and fields on our website.

10.2 Data you provide

Your personal data will include data you provide (or later amend), whether: from correspondence with you; verbally to us over the phone or in person; by filing in any field or form on a website; by filling in any printed form we provide you with; by e-mail; from documents you provide use with; and from updates to any information to provide from time to time. This includes when you: register or subscribe for any service, account, members, or loyalty program, or make an enquiry or booking for a holiday or other travel services whether in person, by phone, through our website or otherwise; send us your comments or suggestions; subscribe to any newsletter or other publication; and request sales and advertising information, including brochures.

10.3 Data obtained from third parties

We may obtain personal data concerning you from third parties, including from: providers of any holidays, accommodation, other travel services which are enquired about or booked, and their intermediaries; credit, fraud, identity and other searches we may undertake, including searches with public records and regulatory and private organisations; from any business or organisation you are associated with; from telephone numbers identified by the telephone system when you telephone us.

10.4 Data generated by us

We and any suppliers or sub-contractors working for us may generate personal data relating to you, including in connection with responding to and dealing with any enquiry, booking or complaint; or in performing any booking or other contract with you; or through the analysis of your personal data or data gained from your use of our website. We may record telephone calls with you.

11. What do we use your personal data for ?

This section sets out the uses which we make of your personal data:

11.1 Operate our website

To operate and provide the search, booking, accounts, review, forums and other services, facilities and functions of our websites. This includes managing any accounts or registrations you have with our websites and making changes to your settings and profile at your request.

11.2 Provide information and respond to enquiries

To provide information to you about our website, systems and services, including to respond to booking enquiries and searches for holidays and travel, and to keep you updated generally.

11.3 Bookings and other contracts

To enable you to make bookings, and to fulfill, provide, perform, administer, manage, and enforce all bookings,  orders, and other contracts which relate to you (including if you are a passenger in a booking made by someone else), and to process any transactions authorised or made with us which relate to you.

11.4 Payments

To collect and make payments due and administer our accounts.

11.5 Communication with customers

To communicate with you concerning any enquiries, bookings, travel services provided, problems and complaints, and to respond to any submissions, enquiries or requests from you.

11.6 Record Keeping

To keep internal records and maintain reasonable archives, including concerning as to enquiries, bookings, contracts, travel services, and complaints.

11.7 Manage and Improve our business

To analyse, audit, provide, operate, administer, maintain and improve our business, website, systems, and services; to carry out surveys and analyse the results; to run promotions and competitions; undertake product or customer research/development; to assist us in and help us to improve our sales, editorial, advertising and marketing processes; to carry out other business development and improvement activities; and to provide training to our staff, sub-contractors and suppliers. For example, we may use your personal data to help us profile how our customers generally are using our websites and booking travel services with (or through) us. We may also use this information to ascertain interests so that we can better tailor our business offerings.

11.8 Direct marketing

To carry out direct marketing to you. See next section below for further information.

11.9 Advertising

To report aggregate information concerning usage of our websites to our advertisers. We normally create anonymous statistical data about browsing actions and patterns, and do not identify any individual.

11.10 Anything you have specifically consented to

For any purpose which we have obtained your consent to.

12. Use of your personal data for direct marketing

We do not use or disclose your personal data for direct marketing purposes unless we have obtained your consent to this, such as through an opt-in or opt-out tick box on any form or website of ours.

12.1 Direct marketing by us

Where you have consented to this, we may use your personal data to carry out direct marketing and send you marketing messages, materials, adverts and promotions relating to travel services we provide or which can be booked with third parties through us.

Where you have consented to this, we may also use your personal data to carry out direct marketing and send you marketing messages, materials, adverts and promotions relating to travel services which are offered by or which can be booked through any other company in the same group of companies as us (i.e. within the Travel Corporation group) or third parties selected by us.

You will be free to withdraw your consent to this at any time, by contacting us as detailed in this privacy policy or as detailed in any direct marketing that you receive. In any e-mail you send we would ask you to insert “unsubscribe” as the subject heading

12.2 Direct Marketing by Third Parties

Where you have consented to this, we may disclose your personal data which is contact data (such as name, e-mail, postal address, telephone, mobile or fax number) to any other company in the same group of companies as us (e.g. within the Travel Corporation group), or to third parties selected by us. They will use this to carry out direct marketing in their own right and will use it to send you marketing materials, adverts and promotions relating to products and services they offer or which can be booked through them.

You will be free to withdraw your consent to our disclosure of your personal data for this purpose at any time, by contacting us as detailed above. If you withdraw your consent, this will not affect any disclosures we have already made (i.e. we will not be able to remove your personal data from anyone we have disclosed it to), but we will tell you who they are on request, and you should contact them directly concerning this.

13. Disclosure of your personal data

We transfer your personal data to third parties in the following circumstances:-

13.1 Credit Checks

We may disclose your personal data to third parties (including intermediaries) as necessary to carry out any checks concerning you or enforce any booking or contract with you (including credit, security, fraud and identity checks). This may include credit reference agencies and other companies for use in credit decisions, for fraud prevention and to pursue debtors.

13.2 Bookings and performance of contracts

We disclose your personal data to third parties (including intermediaries) as necessary to deal with any booking enquiry being made by or for you, to make any booking requested by or for you, to perform and administer any booking for you or other contract with or in respect of you. This may include; to apply for visas on your behalf, to collect payments to be made by you, to investigate and respond to complaints, and to enforce any booking or other contract with you. Such third parties may include any suppliers or sub-contractors and their agents (e.g. airlines, coach, ferry or train companies, hoteliers, hire companies, cruise companies, tour operators etc.).

13.3 Suppliers of travel and other services

We may disclose your personal data to any third party (e.g. supplier, contractor sub-contractor) we make any enquiries with concerning or engage or sub-contract to perform any booking or other contract, including to provide any travel, tour or other products or services we have agreed to provide to you. We may disclose your personal data to any supplier with whom we make any enquiry concerning or book any travel or other products and services for you as agent (whether as agent for you, someone representing you, or the supplier), such as a tour operator. Details of any third party tour operators or other third parties who will be responsible for or supply you with the travel services booked or enquired about, may be obtained from us on request, and may be stated in any tour or other brochure provided by us.

13.4 Insurance

If any application is made through us for any travel or other insurance to cover you, we will pass your personal data on to the insurer. Information provided by you may be put on to a register of claims and shared with other insurers to prevent fraudulent claims.

13.5 Business Function Outsourcing

Where we use third parties to host, provide, operate or supply any part of our websites, databases, systems, business, or services, or carry out on our behalf any of our business functions or actions (including sending mail, processing payments, providing marketing assistance, providing customer and advertising analysis, and providing customer services), then then we may provide your personal data to them as required for use for or processing as part of those purposes.

13.6 Public forums etc.

Where any facility on our website is clearly designed to make certain of your personal data public (e.g. posts you make to any public forum or reviews facility) then any personal data you provide in relation to that forum or other facility, which is provided in circumstance where it is clear that it is intended to be published, will be disclosed to the public accordingly, subject to moderation by us.

13.7 Legal requirements

We may supply personal data to a government authority or regulator where required to comply with a legal requirement, for the administration of justice, for the purposes of customs, visas and immigration, or where reasonably required to protect your vital interests or enforce any booking or other contract.  We may disclose your personal data where otherwise required by or permitted by law.

13.8 Direct Marketing by third parties

We may disclose your personal data to third parties to carry out direct marketing to you, where you have given your prior consent, to third parties to carry out direct marketing. See the direct marketing section above.

13.9 Customer Representatives

If our customer is a business or organisation, and we are holding your personal data in your capacity as an associate of that business or organisation (including as agent, representative, contact, employee, officer, owner, partner, or director), then we may disclose to them that personal data. If our customer is making a booking or booking enquiry on your behalf, with your authority, then we may disclose to our customer your personal data as reasonably required in connection with such booking or enquiry, or the subsequent performance of or payment for any booking made.

13.10 Business acquirers

If our business is ever transferred to a third party, then your personal data will be transferred to the acquirer to enable them to continue our business.

14. How third parties will handle your personal data

Where we provide your personal data to a third party one of the following two circumstances will apply:-

14.1 Processing on our behalf

In some cases, your personal data may be held and otherwise processed by them on our behalf, in which case we will remain responsible for what they do with your personal data, and your personal data will only be held and processed by them in accordance with our instructions and this privacy policy.

14.2 Processing on their own account

In other cases, your personal data may need to be provided to them to be held and processed by them in their own right and on their own account. In such case, they will have their own responsibility for that personal data, subject to their own privacy policy, and we will not be responsible for what they do with it following disclosure.

15. Location of your personal data

We (and any affiliate, subcontractor or other person processing your personal data on our behalf) may transfer, store and otherwise process your personal data anywhere in the world.

Where we disclose your personal data to third parties, that disclosure may also involve a transfer of your personal data anywhere in the world, and those third parties may themselves transfer, store or otherwise process that information anywhere in the world.

In each case, we will comply with any legal requirements concerning the transfer of your personal data by us to any third party outside the country where we are established, and where your personal data is still controlled by us or is being stored or otherwise processed on our behalf, our security measures (as detailed below) will also apply.

16. Our general commitment

We are committed to doing what we reasonably can to keep your personal data secure, and we are obliged by law to put in place appropriate technical and organisational measures against unauthorised or unlawful processing of your personal data and against accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to, your personal data. We have accordingly implemented security policies, rules and technical measures with a view to achieving this.

16.1.2 Transmissions between your web browser and our servers

We use Secured Socket Layer (“SSL”) software in order to encrypt the personal information that you provide to us whilst it is in transit over the internet. This will work if your browser is SSL enabled (which most are). You can verify that this is working by looking for the symbol of a closed lock or solid key on the bottom bar of your browser window, and checking that the prefix for the web address in the browser address bar has changed from “http” to “https”.

16.1.3 Storage of your personal data

The personal information we collect from you online is stored by us and/or our service providers on databases protected through a combination of physical and electronic access controls, firewall technology and other reasonable security measures.

16.2 Your security measures

For your own privacy protection, we encourage you to maintain anti-virus and other malware protection software on your computers and other devices, and to maintain your own measures to protect your personal data. Please do not include sensitive personal data in any e-mails you may send to us, including payment card information.

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