Equipment & gear list to climb mount aconcagua

The temperatures registered during the climbing season suffer from many thermal variations that make the climber to be always aware.
You have to consider that during the nights even in good weather conditions and above 5000 mts -20° temperatures can be common. -30° Temperatures can be register on the summit of Aconcagua. In Plaza de Mulas, -18 ° C can be registered during bad weather conditions or in presence of big air masses coming from the south. However -25° at high camps are not odd.
The required equipment list on this file is the basic gear to start this experience and it is quite important to increase chances to summit Aconcagua.
Besides, you must have good quality equipment to avoid injuries,illness and even more, it can save your life.
You are the responsible to bring the appropriate equipment and clothes. The guides will only checked the gear and assist you before starting the expedition.
If something is missing, the guides will accompany you to the rental shops so you can be sure you’ll have everything you need.
Remember the guides are the main authority in our guided expedition. They can decide your permanence in the expedition if they realized that you equipment it doesn’t fulfill the needed standards.